Reactive Swift Tutorial Part 2

Reactive Swift Tutorial Part 2

In part 1 you got a simple hello world up and running. In this part, we will take a look at the core concepts of Signals and SignalProducers.

A brief history of Signals and SignalProducers

In the previous part we created a SignalProducer, which is exactly what it says it is, a producer of Signals. What exactly is the difference between using a signal producer by a SignalProducer and using Signal straight up?

To understand the difference, let’s have a look at some reactive concepts. A signal in ReactiveSwift can also be called a stream (streams of values over time if you go by the ReactiveCocoa definition) and there are basically two types of streams, hot and cold streams.

Cold streams are passive and start producing values only on when you ask for it. Think http requests, it will only trigger when you explicitly ask for it.

Hot streams are active and will happily keep producing values irregardless if someone is listening or not. Think of a clock, it will keep ticking and producing values even if you are not really listening.

So what has hot and cold streams to do with Signals and SignalProducers?. In most other reactive frameworks, hot and cold streams are implemented using the same type. The creators of ReactiveSwift decided that it was not clear enough when you where working on a hot signal or a cold signal and thus introduced Signals and SignalProducers. The Signal represents a hot stream, while the SignalProducer represents a cold stream. Why is it significant to know if you are working on a hot or cold signal? While observing a hot stream will not trigger anything that was not already in progress, starting a cold stream will trigger a sequence of events that was not going to happen otherwise.


Let’s implement a Signal that relenlessly keeps producing values a regular intervals, like maybe, a clock!

let clock = Signal<Date, NoError> { (sink: Observer<Date, NoError>) -> Disposable? in
	Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true, block: { (t: Timer) in
 		sink.send(value: Date())
 	return SimpleDisposable()

The Signal is initialized with an observer, which we by convention call the sink. We also have the option to return something called a disposable from the init closure but more on that later. We start a Timer which will fire once each second. For each time the Timer fires we send the current Date down the sink. We also print a tick just to proove to you that it is actually running even though you are not listening. If you run the program now it should print a neverending stream of “ticks”.

Ok, so now that we have our clock ticking away, how do we actually listen to it? Easy

clockSignal.observeValues { (d: Date) in
	print("Received tick at \(d)")

So what about the Disposable? A Disposable is a protcol for cancelling the observation of a signal by calling .dispose().

var i = 0;
var disposable: Disposable?
disposable = clockSignal.observeValues { (d: Date) in
	print("Received value \(d)")
    i += 1
    if i == 10 {

Observing the clockSignal will return a Disposable. We use this disposable to cancel our observer after 10 ticks. Even though our observer will stop receiving values, the timer clockSignal will keep happily producing values.


A SignalProducer represents something that can be started and stopped, so keeping with the time examples, let’s implement a timer.

let sp = SignalProducer<Date, NoError> { sink, disposable in
	Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true, block: { (timer: Timer) in
    	sink.send(value: Date())

If we run the program, nothing happens. This is because the SignalProducer will only start producing values when we request them.

sp.startWithValues { (time: Date) in
	print("time: \(time)")

When you run the program now, it will start producing values. But we should be able to stop a timer as well so let’s see how we can use the Disposable for that.

let sp = SignalProducer<Date, NoError> { sink, disposable in
    Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true, block: { (timer: Timer) in
		// check if the disposable has been disposed
       if disposable.isDisposed {
       sink.send(value: Date())
var i = 0
var disposable: Disposable?
disposable = sp.startWithValues { (time: Date) in
    print("time: \(time)")
    i += 1
    if i == 10 {

The Disposable for this SignalProducer is first sent as a parameter to the creation closure. We use it the check if it has been disposed each time a timer event fires. If it has been disposed, we invalidate the timer. Calling dispose() on a Disposable will send an interrupted event down the sink which will close the Signal. When a Signal is closed, no further values will be sent on it.

A more realistic implementation of a SignalProducer and a Disposable would be a http request. Each time some new data arrives, the SignalProducer checks if it has been disposed, maybe by an impatient user, and can then cancel the request.

Now that you have grasped the basic concept of Signals and SignalProducers it is time put them to work.

In the next tutorial we will look at the most common operators.

Erik Johansson

Erik Johansson


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